Thank you!

The Venues at NICHE values its customers’ opinions and strives to continuously enhance the overall event experience. We invite you to participate in our customer feedback survey to share your thoughts and feedback. Your valuable input will help us understand your preferences, identify areas of improvement, and ensure that we meet and exceed your expectations.

We appreciate your time and commitment in helping us create a remarkable event experience at The Venues at NIICHE. Thank you for being a part of our journey and for taking the time to complete our customer feedback survey. Your positive feedback may be anonymously used in testimonial marketing.

Event Survey
Which venue space(s) were utilized during your event? Select all that apply.
PRE-EVENT: How satisfied were you with the NICHE event team's responsiveness to your initial inquiry?
PRE-EVENT: Did the NICHE event team address all of your concerns and questions adequately prior to your event?
PRE-EVENT: Were there any challenges or miscommunications during the planning phase and did the NICHE event team effectively resolve them?
PRE-EVENT: How would you rate the overall level of professionalism and customer service demonstrated by the NICHE event team before the event?
DURING EVENT: Please rate the following aspects of our venue: Overall Ambiance and Aesthetics
DURING EVENT: Please rate the following aspects of our venue: Cleanliness and Maintenance
DURING EVENT: Please rate the following aspects of our venue: Venue Layout and Accessibility
DURING EVENT: Please rate the following aspects of our venue: Sound and Lighting Quality
DURING EVENT: How would you rate the professionalism and friendliness of our staff?
DURING EVENT: Did you encounter any difficulties or challenges related to parking?
DURING EVENT: Did you encounter any difficulties or challenges related to Audio/Visual/IT?
IF APPLICABLE: How satisfied were you with the quality and variety of our catering services?
Were there any specific instances where the NICHE event team went above and beyond your expectations to meet your requirements?
How likely are you to recommend The Venues at NICHE to others?
Would you like to be contacted about any specific feedback given on this survey? If yes, please provide the contact information requested below.